
Just..Well ME.

Monday, December 21, 2009


OMG OMG OMG OMG its Lanie Holland her in person(well her legs and her pet cream bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I'm am sooooo excited her name is Lanie Holland as most of you know and if this is your first timr to visit this site you can see her book covers if you look down !!!!!! I'm sooooo excited!!!! So heres what it says! ....
"Get ready to explore the outdoors with our new girl of the year
On January 1-3 join us for speisial events that celabate her world. Visit the American Girl store nearest you for enriching programs,free crafts,and doll drawings. BONUS TREATS FOR EARLY BIRDS the first 100 girls inline at each store get a FREE goody bag and a chance to win a doll collection.* " Its soooooooo coool And i reallll y want her now but it depends on what she looks like and if ive saved enough up for her but shes soooooo exciting and she has SIDE bangs witch no other doll has so Merry Christmas only 4 more days EEEEEEE ! So BYE!!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


you know the horse pepper that i tod you about?????!!!!???? I just went to visit him 3 hours away and guesss what they said???????!!!?!! They said he shoulde be ready for us in a cuople weeeks i'm sooooooo excited so i really wanted to tell you and
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! only five more days till christmas!!!!!!! So merry christmas! happy holidays and happy new years!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hey pepsole guess what i got a youtube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Does anyone here have a youtube because i for sure want ot be your friend! So Merry Christmas (I know I've said it like a milloin times arreldy but ya know what i mean!:))SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hows everyone doing good fine bad cool awsome Ecx ecx well i'm doing fine is anyone entering liberty janes clothing contset to win lanie holland i know i am I already have 5 desighns so I also wanted to tell you guys about what dolls i have since ive nevr told you I have Marisol Luna P****(* representes my last name.) Josifins Montoya P**** & Sonali gissele P**** so here are some pics if you don't know who they are.....
Josifina :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Sonali :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
So thats them!!!!!! Bye!
Marisol :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)::):):):):):)

Friday, December 11, 2009


OMG this is what the GOTY of 2010 will be shes sooo cute with her blond curls and her blue eyes and SIDE BANGS! If you haven't noticed none of AG's dolls have sidebangs soooo this is a new one!She loves nature and mother earth as you can see her name is Lanie Holland and well her meet outfit top is green and white...and i know none of us thought she would look like that at lest i thought she would have brown hair and bangs!so just wanted to info you up so well i gotta go bye!

Friday, December 4, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so every one...Merry Christmas so whos excited for christmas I know I am!!!!!!!I found this OLD american girl christmas magizene cover . You wanna know how i know its old because it only has Sam,Kirsten,Josifina,Elizabeth,Addy,& Molly and NO kit! And kit is reallllllllly(20 yrs) old and this Magizene doesn't have kit so that means it older than kit and thats old! But I just thought it would be cool to see one of these soooooo I showed you! :):):):):):):):):):)
But I'm not Going to see Pepper This Weekend....
*sniffsniff*I'm going to see him next weekend!*YAY* He's sooooooooooo cute but guess what My lucky horse shoe ring broke!!! But...........:) I fixed it
*Whoooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo* !!!!!!!Well I gotta go and your probably thinking" Dinner" .....No not today LUNCH!!! Bye!!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


hey everyone! Its me the quen of the sea sophia you know how I told you guys about Pepper I going to see him on saturday EEEEEEEEEEEEE ! I'm sooo excited sooo I've gots a reallly cool craft today its the garland Crown it so cute soo what you need are ......GARLAND! (thats all!)what you do is if its already wrapped then in a cicle then you can just place it on their head and youve got a crown but if its not wrapped you wrap it wrap it wrap it......(x infity) *GASP* and then you have a crown!But anyway I've suprisingly had very good luck lately and I think I know why, welll i went to a restaurant one night and i had a potato, and then a magician comes over and does some super cool maigic tricks and amazes me, then he gives me a horse shoe shaped ring ythat says good luck and then i think" wow what a qunkidink I'm in a horse show this saturday, so then i start having realllllllllllllllllly good luck so it really cool and i'm so excited to see pepper so i reallly want JLY #39 for christmas shes just sooosooo pretty I dont have many names so i need a name I like Merry but i need some help so could u give me some Ideas well gotta got to eat my Dinner! BYE! :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rescue horse!!!

:) :):):):):):):)::):):):):)

OMG I'm sooo sorry I havent wrote in such a long time its just that I really havent had the time. but guess what????? I might be getting a horse!!!! I would be rescueing it and hes the cutest horse ever his name is pepper! I love him soooo much! There are two pics down there(I dont know either of these people in either pictures) I Don't really LOVE the name pepper so coulght you guys give me some more Ideas for names (but NO food names I dont like food names) I'm soooooo excited do
any you guys like horses??? Well whos excited for GOTY 2010? Her name has been confirmed Its LANIE HOLLAND!!!!!!!! EEEEE!!! I'm so excited and her firneds name might be..... Denise or Sarah!!!!And whos Excited for Christmas!!!! What do you guys want for Christmas? I know I want Pepper for Christmas thats my super awsome hopeful biggest thing* GASP*... I want for Christmas!
But if I dont get him I only want a couple things heres my list:
Chistmas List
1. JLY#39

2. AG horse

3. Ag sleigh

4. ???????

Ya' see I only want a couple of things for Christmas! Just Pepper or those three things so you tell me what you want for christmas and maye give me some Ideas! Well I gotta go! Dinner!

<----Pepper! cute!;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Who is excited for thanksgiving?!?!?( And for the next years GOTY) ( GOTY = girl of the year! :) )

Hey Hey Hey Every one guess what I'm already on my thanks giving break I'm sooooo excited!!! My moms making Turkey and mashed potato's and hot chocolate and cranberry sauce and stuffing and last but not least * takes a deep breath* .... * piano plays dun dun dun* PEAS!!!!!!! I'm already smelling the great thanksgiving feast taste (even though were having Tacos for dinner tonight!) Any way are yo excited for the GOTY of 2010 I know I am eeeee!!! I'm sooooo excited It has been proved that her name is Lanie and she will have one friend and sadly is not African American ( I'm saying sadly because AG hasn't had one African American GOTY ) But I'm soooo excited aren't you???? I really hope she has short curly red hair and blue eyes, but if you know what she looks like please don't tell me I don't want anyone to ruin the surprise for me or anyone else who wants it to be a surprise! :) ( THANKS ) Any way back to the GOTY maybe you could tell me what you want her to look like? Just comment down below and tell me thanks!Any way I have a great craft for thanks giving its called The Turkey day hair clip, What you need is whit,yellow,and brown construction paper, glue,glue dots or hot glue gun , and a hair clip. What you do is cut out a mini circle out of brown paper then you cut out an even smaller brown paper circle then you glue the smallest brown circle and glue it on like my picture then you cut out an tail and glue it right to his little bottom then cut out the Beak and legs and glue them on & then cut out the smallest circles you can do and then those will be your eyes the let it dry and when it drys glue it to your hair clip and let it dry and whens its dry poof put it your hair or you dolls hair and you have the best thanksgiving/turkey day hair clip of all!!!!By the way what are you guys thankful this for this season (tell me in a comment), Well there are alot things I'm thankful for starting with my family then comes God then comes my Thanksgiving dinner and that I'm in the horse show! Well happy Thanksgiving!!!! :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Guess What!!!!!!!!!

Ok this is who I brought...Sonali!!!!! And guess who was at the parade the jonas brothers!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! It was sooo cool but I onley caught a glimpse because I was just getting off my dads shoulders ( yes I still go on his shoulders big whoop!)It was so much fun!By the way I went to the american girl doll store I want kit sooooooo badly I love her short hair and every thing shes sooo cute!comment and tell me with dolll you relly want and ill try my best to reply!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Macys christmas parade!!!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! I'm soooo excited in just a nd hour im going to the macys christmas parade I'm sooo excite maybe they'll even have an american girl doll ballon like the ones they put in the air the reallly big ones but he priblem is i don't know with doll I should bring with me im soooo frustrated!!!!! It's either Sonali,Josifina, or Marisol this is my first time sooo i want ot bring all of them but i cant because that would be way to much to carry!!!!Any way who should i bring post it as a comment bellow and tell me with one and when I get back I'll tell you who I brought and at our hotel you can see the ballons come right by!!!!! now here are a few pics from last years macys christmas parade!!

Friday, November 20, 2009


hey every one! soo today i'm going to give you another good craft so here it goes I have two things today one needs a miniture jewlery box (like for earrings ) a black sharpy&yellow sharpie( it doesn't have to be a sharpie), some tape, and string and scissors ( optinal). So what you do is first you take your mini-jewlery box and take your black black marker and draw a large circle but not too big but not too small(don't color it in) , then inside your black circle draw and color in a small black circle this is the lens., then on the top of your box draw a tiny oval for the on/off button. Then with your yellow sharpie draw a small rectangle above the len for the flash. Then take your tape and your string and tape one side of your string to the top of the camera and the other side to the other and then Vwalaa! Just hang and your doll's neck and you got a cool camera! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Have a Happy AG christmas!!

It's me Sophia and wanted to ask you guys whats your favorite kind of AG doll!!! Historical, just like you or year dolls!!!!! But any way here's another good question whats on your AG wish list?I'm sooooooo excited for Christmas!!!! Are you???I know thanks giving hasn't even passed but I'm going to Macy's Christmas parade this weekend and I'm soooooo excited!Even my American girl dolls are excited! I'm going to put them in their christmas outfits this weeekend ! EEEEEE !! I'm just sooo excited! Ok ok ok I'm know I'm being kind of annoying sooo I'm not going to talk about it anymore But I have a good craft for your dollies for the Christmas season one is called the Special Christmas outfit. You know all those old socks that you have that don't have a pair or are to small on you? I have a good way to recycle them. So try and find a red or a green sock or even both! So what you do is cut off the bottom of the sock right bellow the heel. Then you take your other sock ( optional ) and cut of the top rim and you can have a cute head band or turn into a cute belt! And if you want to dazzle it up if you have felt/construction paper ( either one would be fine) and glue or glue dots you take your felt/construction paper and cut it into snowflake shapes and take your glue dot or glue and just stick it onto the dress but what I like to do is take my snowflake and glue it onto the belt and poof! You've got a cute holiday outfit for your doll!!!And if you try this cute outfit post it as a comment and tell me how it looks and put a picture with it!! Happy holidays!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


so you guys I'm kinda in the holiday spirit!!!

so here are few pics to try to get you and your doll in the holiday spirit!!! Merry christmas and happy thanks giving!!

Funny times!!!

Hey you guys ! It's me sophia ! well I gotta little up date on my dolls Sonali Marisol and Josifina ! It's soo funny when somthing happpens to your doll so yester day I was setting up a little room all for my american girls and when I was setting up you know I was a done and happy and it actualy looked pretty cool so the next day when i wake up I go to check up on them and marisols bulltin board had fellen on top f her it was sooooo funny ! so since were talking about funny times post a coment below and tell of a funny time when you and your doll were laughing out loud!


Heyheyhey everyone!!!!! How goes it !!! I know all of you love AG right!!! here I'll have daily updates on the American girl place ,the dolls, activities to do with your doll, and more !!!! For starters guess who getting retired :( "sniff sniff" our beloved Kirsten Larson! She's been around since American girl first opened in 1996 !!!!! She was one of the first dolls including Molly and Samantha. She'll be leaving DECEMBER 31!!!!So get out and buy her now because by the time she's retired and on Ebay she'll be much more than you think she'll be ! It's so sad she's leaving I wanna cry ( I'm tearing up) She has been loved for 13 yrs Farewell Kirsten. :(