
Just..Well ME.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rescue horse!!!

:) :):):):):):):)::):):):):)

OMG I'm sooo sorry I havent wrote in such a long time its just that I really havent had the time. but guess what????? I might be getting a horse!!!! I would be rescueing it and hes the cutest horse ever his name is pepper! I love him soooo much! There are two pics down there(I dont know either of these people in either pictures) I Don't really LOVE the name pepper so coulght you guys give me some more Ideas for names (but NO food names I dont like food names) I'm soooooo excited do
any you guys like horses??? Well whos excited for GOTY 2010? Her name has been confirmed Its LANIE HOLLAND!!!!!!!! EEEEE!!! I'm so excited and her firneds name might be..... Denise or Sarah!!!!And whos Excited for Christmas!!!! What do you guys want for Christmas? I know I want Pepper for Christmas thats my super awsome hopeful biggest thing* GASP*... I want for Christmas!
But if I dont get him I only want a couple things heres my list:
Chistmas List
1. JLY#39

2. AG horse

3. Ag sleigh

4. ???????

Ya' see I only want a couple of things for Christmas! Just Pepper or those three things so you tell me what you want for christmas and maye give me some Ideas! Well I gotta go! Dinner!

<----Pepper! cute!;)

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