
Just..Well ME.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Alright so HEY you guys...I THINK I've got some serious explaining to do. Im REALLY Sorry that I've been ignoring this so much. I REALLY need to blog more. So im starting now as my NEW New Years resolution. So right now I'm hangning out in Chicago w/ the fam' and just yesterday went and saw the new doll McKenna Brooks... though I've gotta say shes not MY favorite doll, but thats partly beacause I think Merry looks just like her just a different face mold, ya' know? Well FOR SURE im saving up to but a new doll this year...OMG I just realized I have one extra bed for my dolls XD. Well whatever happens this year. It should be AMAZING! Luv ya guys. Signing off.

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